The views expressed here those of the writers. ONE's readers cover a wide range of geographical, economic, age, and educational status. This department aims to express this diversity.

Dear ONE:

First I want to thank you and and your contributing writers for your January issue. My reactions to your past issues have been varied, but this one was by far the most helpful to me. The question of character and morality is one that many of us wrestle with alone, and it is encouraging to know that someone else has felt thsi same need for a code of ethics and morals and has come up with an answer similar to the one I've gradually pieced together for myself. It will be only when we can prove to others that we have high moral aims that we can hope to merit their serious attention.

Do you have extra copies of the January issue? I have one or two friends that I would like to give them to. The time may be ripe for a bit of missionary work, and I can think of no more convincing argument than the January issue.



Just read your last issue, and see at last that you have become realists and have decided to accept the "party" line that if anyone should have different sexual tastes than the so-called "normal" individual they can act any way they damn please and be tolerated... Of course, I'm talking about the myth... that any attraction for the same sex is a one-way ticket to the martini-and-weak-wrist-section of town. Gentlemen, this is a lot of ----; you know it, I know it . . . -; you know it, I know it... With the world in turmoil, these is no useful place for the kind of driveling philosophy that they, and now you, believe in. I hope for the sake of this nation and the world that depends on it, that they and you fail in this mission to sell young people, who have certain natural desires for their own sex, down the river of uselessness and dependence on spineless social misfits. Don't bother to cancel my subscription, I'll let it lapse. Humor is always welcome . . . that is if it were not so tragic and so dangerous. I should have known that it was a futile hope that you could hold out long against the "fairies" who dominate the American homosexual minority...



Concerning over-population's agonizing pressure, ONE's friends are on peculiarly sound ethical ground, whereas the world's most famous, powerful and self-approving persons are criminally in the wrong . . . The latter will not admit that the sexual urge is irresistible or that any expression outside of wedlock is defensible . . . It is unrighteous that a person wantonly breed children . . . in conditions unerringly productive of ignorance, poverty, crime (and) war. Yet we see people who make a parade of their morality doing that and urging others to.


Dear Sirs:

Enclosed find sum of $30.00 . . . Only wish I had more, for no one knows what a source of joy and interest your magazine is for me . . . and at this point we can't fail. BOSTON, MASS. m
